Holy Family Pastoral Team
Center hours (56 Throop Avenue): Mon-Thur 9:00AM-3:00PM; Fri 9:00AM-12:00PM
Renel SEVILLA Business and Pastoral Administrator (732) 545 1681 ext. 1004 HFPCenter@holyfamilyforall.org |
Alexi MOTTA Caritas, Licensed Social Worker (732) 545 1681 ext. 1003 AlexiM@holyfamilyforall.org |
Brandy ALEXANDER Caritas, Trauma-Informed Care Specialist (732) 545 1681 ext 1008 BrandyA@holyfamilyforall.org |
Walter WIKTOREK Parochial Vicar (732) 545 1681 ext. 1013 WalterW@holyfamilyforall.org |
Nestor BRAVO Caritas Case Manager (732) 545 1681 ext 1005 NestorB@holyfamilyforall.org |
Rocio RAMOS Director of Pastoral Services (732) 545-1681 ext. 1002 RocioR@holyfamilyforall.org |
Thomas RYAN Pastor (732) 545 1681 ext. 1006 tryan@holyfamilyforall.org |
Nelson TORRES Deacon / Plant and Programming Manager 732-545-1681 ext. 1007 SalsaNT@comcast.net
Jennifer Herrera Pastoral Assistant & Youth Empowerment Specialist (732) 545 1681 ext. 1001 JenniferH@holyfamilyforall.org |
Please leave messages at 732-545-1681
Family Faith Formation Coordinator Catherine Kovarcik CatherineK@holyfamilyforall.org |
Parish Community Gardens Ellen Maughan EllenM@HolyFamilyforall.org |