Has anyone ever told you that you have a great speaking voice? Or maybe you're often being asked to keep it down because you have a loud voice that carries? If so, then being a lector is a perfect role for you. Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings during the liturgy, helping the entire congregation to hear and contemplate the day's chosen Scripture passages. All it takes is a good voice and the ability to speak in front of others (or a desire to finally overcome that fear of public speaking). It is also a rewarding experience that helps you engage with the readings on a deeper level.
Lectors are special liturgical ministers whose principal duty is to serve the community by proclaiming the readings from Scripture during liturgies such as the Liturgy of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours and on other special occasions when readings from Scripture are included.
The documents of the Second Vatican Council remind us that "in the readings, explained by the homily, God is speaking to his people, opening them up to the mystery of redemption and salvation, and nourishing their spirit; Christ is present to the faithful through his own word." God is, as it were, using the voices of ministers so that his people may hear Him. A thoughtful and prayerful presentation opens the hearts of the community so that the Holy Spirit may speak to each one, enlightening, comforting or challenging them.
In the current Church canons, the office of Lector is officially an "instituted" office formally and canonically given to a person by the bishop. The reform of the Second Vatican Council extended to laypeople the opportunity to perform this liturgical role on a regular basis.
Who Can Serve
Any adult may participate in this ministry according to established guidelines and after proper training. Ministers serve at the regularly scheduled Sunday and weekday Masses as well as being called upon to serve for other special liturgies and events involving Scripture readings.